Congress is now embroiled in another battle over the debt ceiling, and Washington’s leaders are scrambling to keep the US from defaulting.
Unfortunately, some lawmakers are using the ongoing debt ceiling dilemma to call for cuts to essential health care and retirement programs. These policy plans include legislation that would help Congress cut critical programs like Social Security and Medicare and the benefits they provide to millions of older Americans.
One such bill is trust law, was introduced in the recent Congress by Senators Mitt Romney and Joe Manchin. This allows a small group of lawmakers working behind closed doors to expedite legislation to cut Medicare and Social Security through Congress. – Save on medical bills and earn retirement income.
The bill failed to get the support it needed to pass through the last Congress, but unfortunately, as the debt ceiling battle escalated in recent weeks, some lawmakers have decided to revive the bill. I tried to talked Spoke directly with House Speaker Kevin McCarthy about the TRUST Act as a solution.
The TRUST Act poses a direct threat to the interests that millions of older Americans rely on every day. Under the TRUST Act, so-called “rescue boards” are empowered. fast track We need to introduce legislation that undermines health care and retirement benefits, such as cutting Medicare funding and raising the retirement age, while bypassing the usual amendment and deliberation processes. This means that a small minority of lawmakers can privately cut Social Security and Medicare funding and force it into Congress with no transparency to voters.
Senator Manchin says he doesn’t want Social Security cuts, but the TRUST Act could make it happen. These reductions are 66 million Americans receiving Social Security benefits in 2022 and 63 million Americans enrolled in Medicare. West Virginia alone 480,000 Residents are dependent on social security and almost quarter I get health care through Medicare.Here in Senator Romney’s home state of Utah, more than 430,000 people social security and Medicare advantage.
Aging voters in West Virginia, here in Utah, and across America have worked hard to pay for Social Security for decades, giving millions of Americans access to life-saving health care. If Congress wants to solve the debt ceiling crisis, Congress will avoid legislation like the Trust Act and find other ways to stabilize finances while staying honest with older Americans. should.
Clark Karas Caras Ranch, Partner of the Centennial Ranch Spanish Fork and Republican State Representative for Utah County.