The Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) has announced a change to the delivery date of the Pension Dashboard Program (PDP).
Pensions Minister Laura Trott, who was elected Member of Parliament for Sevenoaks in 2019, has confirmed changes to the dashboard’s staging timeline.
This change will be stipulated in future regulations to increase the flexibility of PDPs.
“Rather than setting a timeline for the entire phase in law, we will set it in guidance that we will work with the industry to develop this year,” Trott said.
The Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) has announced a change to the delivery date of the Pension Dashboard Program (PDP).
The 38-year-old has announced an Oct. 31, 2026 connection deadline for plans to connect to the digital architecture.
The move is “based on the recognition that the requirement to connect to digital architecture should continue to be imperative.”
Mr Trott added, “The government remains committed and enthusiastic about implementing a pension dashboard.
“We believe this re-evaluated approach will make significant progress in the safe and secure delivery of dashboards, allowing consumers to leverage benefits in their retirement planning.”
Schemes connecting to digital architecture have a new connection deadline of 31 October 2026
Commenting on the latest announcement, Professional Pensions editor Jonathan Stapleton said:
“It has been 21 years since the ORP was first discussed and almost nine years since the project began to be discussed more seriously in 2014 when the Financial Conduct Authority recommended the development of a pension dashboard.
“The launch of automatic enrollment in 2012 and the subsequent increase in people saving for workplace schemes has led to a sharp increase in the number of small pension pots and those with multiple pension pots.
“When you add freedom and choice to it, people are increasingly working on their pensions and needing to know exactly what they have where.
Laura Trott MP
House of Commons
“There has never been a more urgent need for consumers to see all their pension savings in one place, including the National Pension.”
“Some people calculate that it took ancient Rome about 800 years to reach its peak,” he said.
“Hopefully it won’t take too long to get the pension dashboard up and running.”