Dan Patrick’s career on the mic has officially come to an end.
During Wednesday’s show, the Broadcasting Sports Hall of Famer got serious and broke the news that his retirement date is December 2027. Rest assured, Dunn will have four more years to play before he goes fishing at dusk on his retirement day, drives a truck with a dog in the passenger seat, and does what sports media legends do when it’s all over.
“Breaking news. So four more years in December and that’s what I’m going to keep doing with this,” Patrick told the audience. “Four and a half years, I’m going to do this…by January 2028 I’ll be golden bachelor. That’s when the mic turns off. ”
“I’m going to bring a hairpiece and give it to Fritzie,” Patrick said of his bald employee, Todd Fritz.
Patrick teased that he plans to become a fishing guide in Montana.
“This is a youth game,” Patrick said of the broadcasting world. “I am the oldest person doing this job.
“I’m right about it,” he added, noting that the Dunnetts are thinking hard about what to do with their careers when the end comes.
there it is. Change is hard. It’s coming.